Saturday 16 March 2013

Global warming. Real or a myth?

Global warming. Real or a myth?
Debates are raging over the authenticity by claims by environmentalists that global warming is real and are indeed threatening to wipe out the planet earth.  Evidence seems to point out to an increase of a number of weather related catastrophes worldwide over the past couple of decades....HURRCANES, CYCLONES, DROUGHTS. 

Weather patterns are becoming more difficult to predict and seasons are reportedly changing.  More questions than answers continue to arise when one tries to unpack this phenomenon: Could the human race be slowly destroying their inhabitant? Is there a genuine desire by world leaders to address the concerns by civic organisations to lessen air pollution, which seems to be a major contributor of this global menace?

 Conferences after conference seem to bear little but rhetoric and accusations on who is to be blame for global warming. Some have even have dismissed global warming as a myth despite the evidence that seems to state otherwise.

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